2024 End of Session Report

Dear Friends & Neighbors,  The 446th legislative session of the Maryland General Assembly adjourned on April 8th. During the 90-day session, members deliberated over 1,500 pieces of legislation and enacted 406 new laws. This End of Session Report describes key measures that will improve the lives of Marylanders.  This session was overshadowed by the disaster… Continue reading 2024 End of Session Report

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2023 End of Session Report

The 445th legislative session of the Maryland General Assembly ended on April 10th. We passed more than 800 pieces of legislation. This End of Session Report highlights a selection of the most consequential.  Our primary constitutional duty is to pass a balanced operating budget. We did so, allocating $63 billion towards the following investments and… Continue reading 2023 End of Session Report

2022 End-of-Session Report

The 2022 Legislative Session of the Maryland General Assembly ended on Tuesday, April 11th. This End of Session Report summarizes all that we accomplished on your behalf.

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