Livable Streets Coalition Meeting – 16 December 2023

Thank you to all who attended the Livable Streets Coalition Meeting on Saturday, 16 December 2023. Attendees included a total of 10 Coalition members, representing 6 neighborhoods (Highlandtown, McElderry Park, Library Square, Butchers Hill, C.A.R.E. Community, and the Patterson Park Neighborhood). Representatives from Councilmember Cohen’s Office and the Baltimore City Department of Transportation were also present. The most important topic discussed at this meeting was the results of the Orleans Street Corridor Traffic Study, originally requested by the Coalition on July 16, 2020.  

Participants at the Livable Streets Meeting on December 16, 2023, from L to R: Mr. Davis, Ernest Le, Rolla Chng, Robin Truiett-Theordorson, Del. Lewis, Khaliq Rodriguez, Craig Collins-Young 

Robin Truiett-Theodorson, Banner Neighborhoods Ethan Hasiuk, Councilman Zeke Cohen’s Office Joy Scalabrin Ernest Scalabrin Craig Collins-Young Kalphria Wilson Mary Hennigan Rolla Chng Delegate Robbyn Lewis Ernest Le, PPNA Mr. Liam Davis, Baltimore City Department of Transportation  


  • Welcome & Updates – Delegate Lewis 
  • RAISE East-West Bus Improvement Project Update – Delegate Lewis 
  • William Paca Traffic Calming Project – Joy Scalabrin 
  • Orleans Street Corridor Traffic Study Results – Mr. DavisDavis, Legislative Manager Baltimore City Department of Transportation 


Welcome & Updates 

Delegate Lewis welcomed participants and introduced Robin Truiett-Theodore, Executive Director of Banner Neighborhoods Inc., who graciously offered to host this meeting. Banner Neighborhoods is a nonprofit that provides resources and programs for all ages. Learn more about the work they do in the community here. 

New Community School Coordinator: Delegate Lewis introduced coalition members to Dana Fleming, who was unable to attend the meeting, the new Community School Coordinator (CSC) at William Paca Elementary Middle School. Ms. Fleming replaces Cheryl Bryant, the former CSC at William Paca, who left that position in January 2023.  

City for All Forum: Delegate Lewis also shared information about the City for All Forum: Envisioning Baltimore’s Transportation Future. This public event, created by Delegate Lewis and hosted by the Baltimore City House Delegation, will be held on Saturday January 27, 2024, on the campus of Morgan State University. More information about the event can be found here

RAISE Project: East-West Bus Service Improvements 

During the most recent Livable Streets meeting on August 19th, 2023, the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) delivered an in-depth presentation on the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Project. A Fact Sheet is attached at the end of this report.) Unfortunately, MTA was not able to deploy a representative to this meeting, so Delegate Lewis presented updates on MTA’s behalf. 

MTA implemented several months of outreach to communities along the RAISE Project corridor. Based on that feedback, MTA has tentatively proposed the following improvements:  

  • Dedicated Bus Lanes 
  • Transit Signal Priority for buses 
  • Bus stop enhancements, including ADA compliant upgrades 
  • Pedestrian & bicycle safety improvements 

Along the East Fayette Street segment, the MTA proposes the addition of Bus Bulbs, which are curb extensions that align the bus stop with the parking lane. These features enable buses to move faster, with less impediment.  

Given the Livable Streets Coalition’s emphasis on pedestrian safety, Delegate Lewis also described further improvements proposed for the Livable Streets footprint. 

Source: Maryland Transit Administration 

Fortunately, Del. Lewis has drafted legislation entitled the Pedestrian Fatality Prevention Act bill (HB28) to raise revenue for all of the walkability and accessibility improvements the Coalition has been demanding for years. The bill will increase fees on oversized vehicles that are most likely to harm or kill pedestrians in crashes. Hopefully, this bill will pass and help pay for all the changes Coalition members are hoping for. 

William Paca Elementary School Traffic Calming Project 

Joy Scalabrin, coalition member and Chair of the Traffic Calming Project Workgroup, detailed project updates. She provided information on resources and the process for executing this project. The coalition hopes to work with Graham Projects LLC, which facilitated the Highlandtown Park Shine Project. The approximate cost for this kind of project is between $25,000 – $40,000.  

Joy has identified grants to fund the project and will be working with Del. Lewis and the coalition’s fiscal agent on applying in the first half of 2024.  

Orleans Street Corridor Traffic Study – Results 

Liam Davis, Legislative Affairs Manager at the Baltimore City Department of Transportation, shared the results of the Orleans Street Corridor Traffic Study.  

The history of this study goes back several years. Following a pedestrian crash in July of 2020, Coalition members called on the Baltimore City Department of Transportation to address speeding vehicles. Temporary speed cameras were placed on the 2000-2200 blocks of Orleans St. BCDOT determined that further analysis was needed.  

On August 8, 2022, members of the Coalition joined with BCDOT and others to conduct a walking audit of Orleans Street. Drivers racing along at high speeds create dangerous conditions for any person walking or trying to cross the street; this includes small children attending school at William Paca and the Patterson Park Public Charter School, as well as many senior citizens.  

Following this walking audit, BCDOT deemed Orleans Street a high priority and agreed to conduct further study. The agency designated the the study area to include Washington Street to Elwood Street. The analysis focused on Orleans St. and every side street in the study area. 

Map of BCDOT’s Orleans Street Study Area 

Mr. Davis confirmed that BCDOT has completed a thorough investigation of the corridor and will implement quick-build solutions, and medium-term improvements. A summary of the analysis and plans is included at the end of this document. 

First, BCDOT found the speed limit signage inconsistent. The agency will replace signs to all read the established speed limit: 25 mph.  

Next BCDOT will install automated speed enforcement cameras. Currently, there are speed cameras on the western end of the corridor, the new cameras will be near the school. BCDOT will install at least two cameras for each lane. The speed limit signs, and speed cameras are short-term solutions.  

In the medium-term, BCDOT is proposing the construction of temporary structures to aid in mitigating high-speeding vehicles along the corridor. DOT is planning to resurface and install speed bumps on all side streets along the corridor. Once these traffic calming mechanisms are completed, BCDOT can pursue quick-build solutions to mitigate speed. They are exploring new traffic patterns, land reduction, flex rods, and temporary concrete structures to slow down traffic along the corridor.  

Lane reduction on Hartford Rd. 

Temporary concrete structure and flex-rods on Hartford Rd. 

Mr. Davis used the Hartford Road Rebuild Project as an example of quick-build solutions. Lane reduction along Hartford Rd., one south and one north, a separate lane for bike lanes, and flex rod parking stoppers, have successfully created a safer road for pedestrians. Less traffic lanes and expanded bike lanes shorten the crossing distance for pedestrians. Mr. Davis emphasized the need for community support with this project and confirmed the agency will hold a community meeting before moving forward with these proposals.  

A Big Win for Livable Streets Coalition! 

Thanks to the advocacy of Livable Streets Coalition members over the past four years, BCDOT has allocated funds from its capital project budget to the Orleans Street Rehabilitation Project. This is a $3.5 million streetscape project toward an overhaul and upgrade of the corridor. Once complete, Orleans St will incorporate permanent construction elements that are aligned with Complete Streets, ADA compliance, traffic calming and pedestrian safety. This is a huge accomplishment for the seven communities that border the Orleans St. corridor! 

Residents will be able to find updates & provide feedback on the Orleans St. Rehabilitation Project on the Baltimore City DOT website:  

Del. Lewis will continue her efforts to raise revenue at the state level for all pedestrian safety improvements Coalition members have asked for. She will also keep working with BCDOT and MTA to share updates on quick-build and long-term solutions. 


The Zoom recording of this meeting can be accessed here. In addition, the Zoom recording will also be posted to our Livable Streets Facebook group page


  • Coalition members will continue researching and developing grant opportunities to pay for projects (SECDC is the Coalition’s fiscal agent) 
  • Mr Davis will share a written report summarizing the Orleans Street Corridor Traffic Study (this report is attached to the end of this report) 
  • The next Coalition meeting will be held late spring 2024 

Liam Davis, BCDOT, presents results of the Orleans St. Traffic Study 

Appendix A: Orleans Street Corridor Study Result – Baltimore City Department of Transportation 

Appendix B: RAISE Project Fact Sheet